Tuesday, December 04, 2007

"Exciting New Stuff": Part 1

So, today, we decided it'd be grand if instead of this experience-breaking Object ID garbage:
(ie: "a city guard" <--> "npc#canticett_guard#52"),
that instead, the world itself should maintain a global instance tally. This effectively "tags" every single object, be it room, NPC, item, door, with a unique indentifier in the form of an integer. This allows for a lot of neatness without forgoing the practicality of tracking each object with a unique code; only in this case, the code is now a digit instead of an esoteric string. Using the idroom commmand will now yield something like:

A city guard (28)

Instead of

a city guard : npc#canticett_guard#28

And can be targetted precisely with the shortcut "28", as in, "examine 28". Neat, or so we think.

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