Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Initial Post!

Hm, so.

I really should have made this blog back in November, so that progress could be readily tracked, but eh. We'll just have to start with a well developed pre-release!

Today, I managed to finish AI (moved it around in the source) for Combat, as well as the ScriptManager and action scripts in general. What this means is that once my content team gets write access to src/pymud/scripts, we can start making spells and abilities! And having them work! FABULOUS!

In addition, tonight James worked at revamping the current (disgusting) database component to use twisted.enterprise.adbapi, or that is to say, an asynchronous 'real' component as opposed to the hack we have now. This will allow us to easily implement future database changes, such as the upcoming persistence of equipment and inventory into special database tables.

Good night, and I'll tell you all how much I rocked the database tomorrow!

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